During the teenage years, a person’s body goes through the final changes of becoming an adult. Teenagers are no longer children. They can even have crushes, boyfriends or girlfriends and children of their own, imagine that?. But most prefer to spend this stage of their lives learning more about everything in this universe.
-Becoming a teenager is like getting a new body, sexy body.
-Teens are old enough “matanda na” to go out without their parents or without informing their parents “mudra @ fudra” where they are going. For the first time, they can do things by themselves, without any adults involve or around.
-Looking good is important to most teens. They need to keep in shape if they want to look their best.
-Lots of exciting things are happening in teenagers’ lives outside the school, but they still need to study, because their education will make a big difference their future lives.
-Most teens start dating. They also develop close friendships with other people at their age. They sometimes seem to have little time for their families.
-Having a job for the first time can be fun, even if it is hard work. It feels good having money that you have earned yourself.
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